Cambridge Steam Makerspace Ecosystem

Strategically develop a holistic “makerspace” STEAM ecosystem for every City of Cambridge resident across seven public innovation spaces.


Discovering Unique Differentiators through Listening

Listen and learn from staff and stakeholders within the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem to determine differentiators and then develop individual brand identities for the “makerspaces” in the Cambridge “makerspace” ecosystem context.


Cultivating Inclusion

Design strategies to integrate Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem culture, core strategy, initiatives, and operations.


Shaping Culture and Strategy

Develop a small Cambridge resident stakeholder advisory team to be the sounding board of culture, core strategy, initiatives, and operations for the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem.


Ensuring Safety and Access

Ensure that all Cambridge residents are welcome and whole-body safe with full access to the makerspace ecosystem, work with the Cambridge “makerspaces” to design unifying lateral integration for:

  • smooth internal operations

  • effective cross-space connectivity

  • marketing strategies

  • equipment training

  • standardization of access

  • whole-person safety protocols


Unveiling Cambridge's Makerspaces

Develop a marketing and branding strategy for the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem to assist all Cambridge community members in understanding the different brands of Cambridge “makerspaces” and attract and retain into the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem community.


Inspiring Innovation

Develop several small-scale fun, “sticky” interdisciplinary initiatives that utilize novel experimentation, Conceptual Thinking, and hands-on making to establish the principles and grow awareness of the Cambridge “makerspace” Ecosystem and its culture.


Managing Special Projects

Hire and manage subcontractors for special projects, e.g., graphic design, pedagogical development, and DEI training.


Weissman Foundry: A CASE STUDY


BU Bazaar: Campus-Wide Celebration of Student Creativity